Manteniments Industrials Servycat 2017, S.L.U.

Machinery, equipment and facilities

Manteniments Industrials SERVYCAT 2017 is a company Services with more than 10 years of existence in the demanding market of the Industrial Maintenance and Execution of New Installations, that operates under the brand SERVYCAT. They preferably work in companies in the food sector, although they have also begun to work in other productive sectors. Its Central Offices are located in Vic, where they also have more than 4,000 m2 dedicated to Warehouse, Mechanical and Electrical Workshop equipped with the means, equipment and machinery necessary to cover the services they offer. There are several lines of business developed by SERVYCAT since its birth (Preventive / Corrective Maintenance, Execution of New Installations, Transfer of Productive Units, Design and Construction of Equipment and Machines, Design / Installation and Programming of Electrical Installations and Automatisms, Design and Construction of Industrial Doors, Monitoring and Control Systems …), in a way that has allowed them to evolve along with their clients adapting to their needs (custom projects) always with a clear Service orientation and fast and resolute response.

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