OnClick Solucions, S.L.

Other auxiliary services

OnClick Solucions are a technology consultancy accredited by Acció (Coupons Industria 4.0) and Agente Digitalizador (Digital Kit) with more than 20 years of experience accompanying customers in their digital transformation processes.
By putting people and innovation at the center, they combine digital technologies at their disposal with a good interface design and user experience, to offer their customers the cloud solutions most suitable for the needs of their business.
They have their own ERP software solutions (Stratya), easy to customize and integrate with other sectoral systems such as Generatecetas.
Stratya has been implemented as a business solution in the services, industrial, retail, agri-food and veterinary sectors, among others.

They offer services of:
– Diagnosis, consulting and accompaniment for technological and digital transformation.
– Data Analysis (Business Analytics).
– Development of customized applications (mobile app and web) always thinking about the mobility of people and the flexibility that businesses need.
– Electronic Commerce and online presence.

OnClick they understand that despite business challenges can be complex, solutions do not have to be.

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