AUTTIN Engineering, S.L. new partner of INNOVACC!

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Donem la benvinguda al clúster a una nova empresa: AUTTIN Engineering, S.L. que des d’aquest mes d’abril ja forma part dels socis d’INNOVACC!

AUTTIN Engineering is a company created at the beginning of 2015.

The company is made up of a team of people with more than 20 years of experience in the industrial automation sector. It is a professional and rigorous team, aware of the importance of studying in detail, together with the client, the requirements of the project in order to analyze its viability and thus offer the solution that best suits their objectives. It is a dynamic and flexible team, also aware that the circumstances of the sector and/or client needs are constantly evolving.

At AUTTIN, collaboration with its clients is essential to be able to provide solutions when it comes to automating some of their processes.

They offer end-of-line automation services (conveyors, loading robots, palletizing cells) and customized machines.


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