MEATRAC. Radiofrequency tracking and identification system to control the effectiveness of the production process of meat industries

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Project approved online for AEI 2023 aid.

Food safety and traceability is an increasingly important and demanding issue for both producers and distributors and final consumers. However, these regulations do not focus on internal traceability, that is, that of the intermediate product, which is what is obtained in the different stages of the production process, such as minced meat, kneaded meat, sausage meat, etc.

Digitizing a sector as traditional as the meat sector is not easy. However, during the last decades, meat industries have innovated their production processes based on new technologies, thus replacing almost all manual work. The project will allow, through the RFID system, the identification and tracking of these products to know at all times the status and location of these products, which is essential to maintain quality and food safety.

The main objective of the project is to improve the efficiency of the production process by collecting data related to the internal movements of containers and content (item, batch and quantity), automating the identification process of these containers, avoiding human intervention and ensuring that the input and output data of each container, in each production area, is collected automatically. In this way, improve stock management, control entry and exit movements and guarantee traceability.


  • Delsys Software, SL
  • Tagtio SL
  • Capdevila Germans, SA
  • Càrniques Valldan, SA
  • Associació Clúster Foodservice de Catalunya (Foodservice)
  • Innovacc Clúster català de la carn i la proteïna alternativa

View presentation del projecte realitzada en el webinar de Projectes INNOVACC del dia 15 d’abril de 2024.

Project financed by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Spain. Call for subsidies to support Innovative Business Groups, corresponding to the year 2023, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. (ORDER ICT/1117/2021 modified by ORDER ICT/474/2022).
Total budget
150.101,00 €
Total amount of aid
120.078,00 €
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