“Smart Energy PACI” for the improvement of energy management in the meat sector

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Project approved online for AEI 2023 aid.

The consortium, formed by the CEEC, INNOVACC Catalan Cluster of Meat and Alternative Protein and the companies Energy Tools Consulting, Paci Ingenieros and Embutidos Villamarín, is working to develop an intelligent energy management platform for the meat sector.

This tool must allow you to analyze, control and manage all the elements involved in the energy consumption and cost of the Embutidos Villamarín company. Thus, the platform will be hosted in the cloud and can be operated in web format and will serve as a tool to implement an improved energy management system (based on the principle of continuous improvement of ISO 50001) and will include new analytical models and intelligence algorithms. artificial provide decision support tools and optimization of energy demand.

This new platform with intelligent modules will be connected to the EBO visualization, monitoring and cost evaluation tool to be able to offer a complete energy efficiency product.

Therefore, the proposed energy management tool must allow:

  • Monitor and track energy consumption: the platform must be able to collect and display real-time data on the energy consumption of the company's various equipment and systems.
  • Analyze data and patterns: using machine learning, the collected data will be analyzed to find patterns and trends in energy consumption. This will allow users and managers to identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency.
  • Analyze and generate reports: the platform will have analytical tools that allow generating reports and data visualizations that help users understand the company's energy consumption and make informed decisions.
  • Optimize and active demand management: the platform, through machine learning and prediction algorithms, will optimize energy-consuming processes and equipment, as well as active demand management.
  • Integration with other systems: the platform will be able to integrate with other company systems.
  • Identification of energy saving opportunities: the platform will allow the identification of opportunities to improve energy efficiency in different areas of the company.

The tasks carried out so far will be presented in a webinar promoted by INNOVACC on November 22.


  • Energy Tools Consulting SL
  • Paci Enginyers SL
  • Embutidos Villamarín
  • Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya (CEEC)

View presentation del projecte realitzada en el webinar de Projectes INNOVACC del dia 15 d’abril de 2024.

Project financed by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Spain. Call for subsidies to support Innovative Business Groups, corresponding to the year 2023, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. (ORDER ICT/1117/2021 modified by ORDER ICT/474/2022).
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