Especialitats Pirineus, S.A.U.

Meat processors

Especialitats Pirineus was founded in 1989 in Berguedà, specifically in Gironella, although its roots come from a small formerly existing bakery, Embotits Pirineu. In 1995 the company moved to Berga with the purpose of expanding and improving its facilities and is currently in the capital of Berguedà where the company thrives. Located at the foot of the Sierra de Queralt, it elaborates its sausages with views of the Pyrenees, from here it is precisely the name; of the proximity to our mountains.

The company offers cured pork products that stand out for its high quality and respect for tradition when it comes to making the final product. We work with the aim of preserving the artisanal elaboration of our products to the maximum, which is reflected in our sausages.

We offer whole pieces of sausage but we also have a full range of sliced ​​products, all of them gluten free. We adapt to the needs of customers and this allows us to be present both to the large distribution as wholesalers and small shopkeepers.

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