Els dies 16, 17 i 18 de setembre Ariadna Montals, en representació d’INNOVACC va viatjar a Àustria, a l’Strategic Training per Project Managers d’ACCIÓ.

L’objectiu era establir connexions entre les iniciatives de clústers d’Upper Àustria i Catalunya, amb la participació de representants tant d’Upper Àustria com de la delegació catalana.

El primer dia es va donar la benvinguda als participants amb presentacions d’experts d’Upper Àustria, que van destacar les seves iniciatives de clústers i l’estratègia de desenvolupament regional “Upper Vision 2030”. També es va aprofundir en l’intercanvi d’idees sobre la mobilitat del futur i l’economia circular, àrees estratègiques per a la regió. Els representants catalans també van presentar les seves pròpies iniciatives de clústers, i la jornada va concloure amb oportunitats de Networking per explorar possibles col·laboracions.

El segon dia es va centrar en la innovació i el talent, Industria 4.0 i econòmica circular.  Es va visitar la “Tabakfabrik Linz”, un espai emblemàtic d’innovació tecnològica, i es va presentar el projecte Coders Bay, que forma especialistes en tecnologies de la informació. A més, es va exposar el programa d’atracció de talent d’Upper Àustria. Finalment, es va tancar el dia amb  la visita al “Softwarepark Hagenberg”, que és un dels parcs tecnològics més importants d’Àustria, situat a la regió d’Alta Àustria. És reconegut com un centre d’excel·lència per al desenvolupament de tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC), combinant activitats de recerca, educació i empreses innovadores. Aquesta visita va permetre als participants connectar amb experts en investigació i desenvolupament en l’àmbit del programari.

En aquesta foto Ariadna Montals (Responsable de projectes del clúster INNOVACC) explicant què és INNOVACC.

Aquestes jornades van permetre una rica interacció entre els sectors tecnològics i d’innovació d’ambdues regions, fomentant col·laboracions futures.

Aquesta visita estratègica forma part del programa de formació contínua d’ACCIÓ als clústers. A més a més, reforça el nostre compromís per continuar potenciant la indústria catalana a través de la col·laboració internacional i l’intercanvi de coneixement.


With the support of

Donem la benvinguda al clúster a una nova empresa: Llorclima, S.L. nou soci d’INNOVACC! que des de principis de juliol ja forma part dels socis d’INNOVACC!

EC Corporation is a registered trademark of Llorclima SL and is dedicated to the design and manufacture of specialized machinery for the food industry. We develop technological solutions that optimize production processes, ensuring maximum efficiency and compliance with food safety and quality standards. Their experience allows them to create customized equipment that is adaptable to the specific needs of each client, contributing to innovation and sustainability in the sector. They are committed to improving the competitiveness of food companies through cutting-edge technology.


We welcome a new company to the cluster: Naturcrick Farms, S.L., a new INNOVACC partner! It has been a member of INNOVACC since August!

Naturcrick és una empresa de nova creació localitzada a Linyola, que es dedica tant a la cria i engreix del grill domèstic com al seu processat posterior. L’empresa comercialitza productes per alimentació animal. A l’espera de l’aprovació, es preveu poder posar aviat al mercat productes alimentaris procedents d’aquests grills per consum humà.

Naturcrick Farms was founded in October 2021 with its pilot plant. Two years later, at the beginning of 2023, it opened its doors to its permanent facilities equipped with a workshop where the product obtained from the farm itself is processed. Since then, it has worked with determination to be able to produce innovative, quality food in an environmentally friendly way. It is a pioneer in Catalonia in the breeding of crickets and in the production of products from these insects.


2ª edició

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A delegation of 13 people from the INNOVACC cluster visits the United Kingdom to learn first-hand about business innovations in the fields of plant-based, insects, fermentation and cultured meat.

Olot, September 4, 2024

From 2 to 4 July 2024, the INNOVACC CATALAN MEAT AND ALTERNATIVE PROTEIN cluster organised a mission, with the support of ACCIÓ – Generalitat de Catalunya, to explore the alternative protein ecosystem in the United Kingdom and establish international collaborations. The first trip in this field, organised by the cluster, took place in the Netherlands in November 2022. Following this experience, the mission was repeated in Israel in July 2023 and, more recently, in the United Kingdom in July 2024. All these trips have been aimed at exploring the alternative protein ecosystem.

The objectives of the trip were, firstly, to gain an in-depth understanding of the alternative protein ecosystem in the United Kingdom, visiting leading companies in areas such as plant-based products, insect products, fermentation and cultured meat. In addition, to connect Catalan companies and research centres with leading alternative protein startups, thus fostering the creation of bilateral links and collaborations. Another objective was to discover innovations and new trends that could inspire the strategies of participating companies and technological and research centres in the medium and long term.

The Catalan delegation consisted of 13 members:

During the stay, visits were made to the following companies:

The UK is confirmed as a key market for alternative proteins, with a meat-free sector valued at around 675 million euros and a strong presence in vegan product launches. However, the sector still faces significant challenges, such as the need to improve taste and similarity to meat in order to retain consumers.

The UK is also one of the countries with the largest number of companies dedicated to cultured meat, ranking third globally after the United States and Israel. Its academic and business ecosystem is growing rapidly thanks to new public and private investments. The recent authorisation to market meat grown by pets by Meatly, just two weeks after the visit, exemplifies the dynamism of this sector.

The visits and sessions organised during the mission have allowed participants to learn first-hand about the latest innovations in the field of alternative protein, especially in areas such as plant-based products, insects, fermentation and cultured meat. These visits included both internationally recognised companies, such as Quorn, and emerging startups and leading innovation centres, offering a complete overview of the British ecosystem.

The mission also facilitated the establishment of relationships with key associations and innovation centres, such as the Alternative Protein Association, the Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein, the Medway Food Innovation Centre and the Good Food Institute. These links are particularly valuable for promoting future collaborations and knowledge exchange between Catalonia and the United Kingdom.

Visit to Innovation Centre Medway where presentations were made by: Medway Food Innovation Centre, Imperial College London (Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein), Innovate UK, Department for Business and Trade. And several B2B and 1-2-1 sessions were also held with companies: Planet Seitan, Alternative Protein Association, Brusco Food Group, Extracellular, Kyomei, MyCo plc (trading as Hooba Foods) and the Catalan participants.
Presentation of Yum Bug and a tasting dinner of their products at the London restaurant.  

Watch video summary here

With the support of

Coneixerem un ecosistema de referència mundial en tecnologia per a ramaderia i indústria càrnia, establirem contactes i possibles col·laboracions de futur per a la teva organització.

Last Friday, August 30, 2024, INNOVACC received a visit from the Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, accompanied by Pere Parramon, Deputy Government Delegate in Girona, and Jordi Carbonell, Commissioner of the Agri-Food PERTE.

During the meeting, the president of INNOVACC Esteve Espuña, the vice president of the cluster Josep Berga, the treasurer Narcís Cañigueral, the manager Eudald Casas and the director of the project area Mariona Pratdesaba, brought them up to date on the partners and projects that are being developed in the cluster as well as the different activities that INNOVACC organizes.

The representatives of INNOVACC conveyed the importance of the AEI grants, which have provided a boost to innovation for a large number of companies in the sector (mainly SMEs). This has been possible, especially in recent years, when global budgets with Next Generation funds have been available. For this reason, the minister was asked to commit to maintaining, within the next general state budgets, similar allocations to those of recent years. This could favour innovation throughout the State, and especially in Catalonia, where clusters are very active in collaborative projects between companies.

From left to right: Josep Guix, Eudald Casas, Narciso Cañigueral, Pere Parramon, Jordi Hereu, Josep Berga, Mariona Pratdesaba, Esteve Espuña, Jordi Carbonell and Jaume Planella.

We welcome a new company to the cluster: Liderou, S.L., a new partner of INNOVACC! which has been a member of INNOVACC since July!

Liderou SL is an innovative family business with a long tradition of 5 generations in poultry farming, standing out as one of the pioneers in the agri-food sector in Catalonia. The Callís family has continuously adapted the business to the new generations, using advanced technologies in their farms and egg selection centres to guarantee maximum food safety and quality.

The company also prioritises sustainability by using 100% recyclable materials for packaging. Liderou has renewed its IFS certification annually since 2018 and has been Welfair certified for Animal Welfare since 2020.


We welcome a new company to the cluster: ORLOCAT, S.L., a new INNOVACC partner! Since July, it has become a member of INNOVACC!

The company ORLOCAT SL is a specialist in the development and implementation of comprehensive industry 4.0 solutions.

They carry out the entire process from design to implementation of robotic automation in industrial processes in companies from various sectors.

They apply technologies such as machine vision and IIOT solutions appropriate for each customized project.


This July we welcome a new company from Girona to the cluster: Jidoind, S.L.U., which is now a member of INNOVACC!

Jidoind was created with the aim of integrating more than fifteen years of experience in leading companies in the packaging and flexography sector, with the aim of offering a highly personalized, close and efficient service.

They are driven by their dedication to exceptionally satisfying the needs of their clients in the industrial field, contributing to the improvement of their processes quickly and efficiently.


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