VECOLI. Virtual E.coli sensor using artificial intelligence to minimize the risks of producing reclaimed water in the food industry

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Aid for Initiatives to Strengthen Competitiveness for Cluster Projects 2023


Project description:

The meat industry has an important economic relevance but is at the same time a sector with intensive use of water for a large number of its processes, some linked to food processing but many of them related to cleaning and without direct contact with meat.

The reuse of water presents an important margin for improvement to reduce the water consumption of a sector as relevant as the meat sector and improve its resilience and competitiveness, in the current scenario of climate change (it must be considered that at the time of presentation of the project the majority of the Catalan territory faces restrictions on water consumption for industrial use of up to 25%, due to the effects of the drought and it is expected that future drought scenarios will be more intense and recurrent).

The project VECOLI addresses this need through the proposal of a virtual sensor to reliably and continuously determine the concentration of the E coli microorganism in the treated effluent (widely used as an indicator of the quality of treated water). This virtual sensor will work through an artificial intelligence module fed from time series of data taken directly in the effluent by standard sensors.

The benefits of using the virtual sensor are the speed of the analysis (being immediate, while traditional laboratory methods take hours to provide results) and reliability. This immediacy in obtaining results will allow demonstrate that the safety criteria in the treatment of meat industry effluents are those stipulated at all times, overcoming the legal barriers for the reuse of a resource that is currently as crucial as water., in an industry as important in Catalonia as meat.


  • Adasa sistemas, S.A.
  • Matadero Frigorífico de Aviñó, S.A.
  • INNOVACC Clúster català de la carn i la proteïna alternativa
  • Catalan Water Partnership    

View presentation del projecte realitzada en el webinar de Projectes INNOVACC del dia 15 d’abril de 2024.

With the support of

Total budget
98.034,44 €
Total amount of aid
73.525,83 €
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